Blackjack Hand Types Explained | How to Play Hard and Soft Hands

Learn how to spot the best blackjack hand every time. Find out when to hit, stand, or double down a hard and soft blackjack hand for optimal results.

Blackjack Hands Explained

Blackjack has to be one of the most popular card games among gamers, regardless of nationality, skill level, and bankroll. The game has different variations available that appeal to all types of players, experienced and otherwise. So, if you’re something of a newbie and are keen to learn more about blackjack, you’ve landed on the right page.

We’ll start by familiarizing you with the game's rules, particularly the best blackjack hand and how the cards are counted. Our guide will also explain all you need to know to determine the type and total of your hand. We’ll include:

- The blackjack hard hand definition;
- Soft hand blackjack definition;
- The best way to play both scenarios.

Card System in Blackjack

Thankfully, the card system in blackjack is pretty easy to master. Generally, all cards in blackjack, save for Aces, Queens, Kings, and Jacks, are assigned a numeric value. All face cards in blackjack, namely Queens, Kings, and Jacks, are worth ten points each. Aces count as 1 or 11, while the rest of the cards are worth their face value.

This is a perfect moment to explain what exactly counts as a blackjack hand during the game. The point of the game is for players to collect cards that total more points than the dealer without exceeding 21. And an Ace plus ten or any picture card, i.e., King, Jack, or Queen, counts as a blackjack. If the first two cards a player is dealt comprises this combination, it's known as a natural blackjack hand.

Depending on the casino, six to eight decks of cards are used at a blackjack table. That's because a single deck game would mean the dealer must shuffle the deck after each round, which is time-consuming. But if six to eight
are available, you can play more than one blackjack hand before the dealer must shuffle. In addition, casinos use more decks to beef up the house edge.

Soft Hands

Each time you find yourself with an Ace in your hand, counted as an eleven, you have a soft hand in blackjack. When you have a soft blackjack hand, you can't go bust by hitting (requesting an extra card). Instead, you can always change the value of the Ace to your favor. In addition, with a soft hand, a player can't surpass 21 and lose the bet immediately. For this reason, soft hands will remain widely sought after by players in blackjack. An example of a soft hand is when you have an Ace and a four, referred to as a soft fifteen.

How to Play Them

Soft blackjack hands are considered very beneficial to players. That'sbecause a player can adjust the totals based on the current blackjack hand. Therefore, you need a blackjack soft hands strategy that depends on your
situation to play your soft hand effectively. You could use the suggested move in the blackjack hands chart, but it depends on your hand total and the dealer's Up-card. For instance, if you have a soft fifteen outlined earlier, it's advisable to hit. That's unless the dealer's Up-card constitutes a five or six. On the other hand, if you have an
Ace and a six, and the dealer's Up-card is a three, four, or six, you must double down.

Hard Hands

We have hard hands in blackjack on the other end of the spectrum. One of two scenarios makes hard hands. Firstly, this is a blackjack hand that doesn’t have an Ace. Secondly, your hand will have an Ace, but it must be counted as one, or the total will exceed 21.

As you can imagine, hard hands are very risky and not very beneficial to players. That's because they increase your chances of busting (having your hand go over the total of 21) if you hit. For example, an Ace, nine, and a seven are known as blackjack hard 17.

How to Play Them

As we mentioned, hard hands are an undesirable scenario in blackjack. Again, the strategy you use to play hard hands will depend on the situation. For instance, if you're dealt a ten, you must always double down (double your bet and get another card) unless the dealer's Up-card is an Ace or ten. If your blackjack hand total is nine and the dealer's Up-card is three, four, five, or six, your best play is to double down.

For the rest of the scenarios, you're better off hitting to improve your total. For example, if your hand total is twelve, you should hit unless the dealer's Up-card is a four, five, or six. In that case, standing would be a better move.

The Importance of the First Two Cards in Blackjack Game

Each blackjack game starts with the dealer and players receiving two cards each. The player’s two cards are dealt face up while the dealer has one card facing up and one face-down. The first two cards in a blackjack game are essential because they have a strong bearing on your chances of winning the game or your next move. As we mentioned before, if the player's first two cards are an Ace and a ten-point card, it's a blackjack win.

If not, you must decide how to play your blackjack hand to adjust the blackjack hard and soft totals. Do you stand (hold your current total and end your turn), hit, double down, or push?

Beating the House at Blackjack

To get the best blackjack hand, you must understand the blackjack hands ranking and what they mean. Ultimately, your goal is to wind up with a hand total higher than the dealer’s but not over 21. If you're lucky, the first two cards will form a natural blackjack. If not, you need to decide on the next move. Blackjack is a strategy game, and that's why it's wise to stick with optimal strategy and have good bankroll management. Also, knowing which blackjack hands to hit on and how soft and hard hands work will help you improve your gaming outcomes.


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